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Salem Historical Church
28547 220th St, Paynesville MN 56362
Front row:
Lois Heitke, Evelyn Snyder, Esther Wegner, Irene Schendel, Edith Snyder, Phyllis Hein.
Back row:
Evelyn Wegner, Norma Heitke, Ruby Wegner, Betty Lou Heitke, Bernice Miller, Ethel Heitke.
1939 Girls Sunday School Class
Esther Wegner, teacher
Back: Evelyn Wegner, Bernice Weber, Norma Heitke, Ruby Wegner, Ethel Heitke, Sadie Miller, & Bernice Miller
Front: June Gess, Alyce Reeck, Myrtle Reeck, ?, ?, Myrtle Nehring
Warren Reeck, SS teacher -->
In the pews: Harvey Miller, Les Snyder,
Bill Miller, Ira Moede, Vonnie Weber
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