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Salem Historical Church
28547 220th St, Paynesville MN 56362

The Church on the Prairie
(Sung at Salem events to the tune of "Church in the Wildwood")
Verse 1:
There's a church on the prairie on the hill-top
No place is so dear to my soul,
No place is so sweet in my memory
As the stately old church on the knoll.
Oh, come to the church on the prairie,
Oh, come to the church on the hill,
No spot is so dear to my memory
As the stately old church on the hill.
Verse 2:
How sweet on a still Sabbath morning
To list to the clear ringing bell,
It's tones so sweetly are calling
Oh, Come to the church on the hill.
Verse 3:
It was here in the church on the hill-top
That we knelt with our Mother in prayer
In the long ago days of our childhood
Come and meet her in memory there.
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