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The following obituary notes were clipped from newspapers and glued into a small notebook found in Esther (Miller) Heitke's belongings.  Most of them are from the '30s.  
William C. Miller born Dec 19, 1880 at Paynesville MN died May 23, 1934.  June 7 1906 he married Ella Schultz.  This union was blessed with four children.  Under the ministry of Rev. L. Passer he was converted, united with our church and remained a faithful member.  He leaves his wife, 2 sons, 2 daughters and 2 grandchildren.  Revs. R.R Werner, Noble Sack, E.A. Werner assisted at the funeral.  
August Miller, born at Paynesville MN May 24, 1866 died April 19, 1934.  June 7 1887 he married Emma Nehring.  This union was blessed with four children.  He gave to the support of Gods Kingdom.  
Gustav Heitke, a devout member of our church, born May 6, 1874, near Paynesville, Mn, died Mar 2, 1935.  In 1902 he married Clara Weber.  Of their 3 sons and 3 daughters, a daughter died in infancy.  His companion died in 1923.  A son, Roy Heitke, is pastor of our Kasson, MN Church.  In ---5, he married Lydia Paetznick.  A daughter and a son were born to this union.  L.M. Adelman assisted the pasgtor, E.A. Werner at the funeral.  
Frank Edward Listman, born Oct 23, 1875 in Germany, died Feb 6, 1935.  In 1904 he married Augusta Wagner.  to this union were born 5 sons and 3 daughters.  From his youth he served God and the church faithfiully.  Funeral by the pastor, L.M. Adelman.
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